Ragnarok Wiki

This is a listing of Verus Memory Records transcripts of audio that can be found on Memory Records and Experimental Memory Records.

NOTE: This is not a complete listing of memory record transcripts, nor are they in chronological order. Font colors have been adjusted to account for sound effects for better comprehension of the transcript.

Memory Record 1[]

This is Dorothy Florence. I am recording this because someone has to leave behind the memories of this terrible accident. The outside has been completely cut off from the explosion that occurred with the experiment. Most of the people have currently evacuated to the panic room. There is no contact with the outside world. Going outside will be difficult for the time being.

Memory Record 2[]

This is Dorothy Florence. Explosion Day 2. It is still confusing. People are pouring criticism onto the project's chief researcher and manager, Dr. Fresa. This is an accident that cannot be helped by one individual, though. Perhaps those people needed somebody to take responsibility.

Memory Record 3[]

This is Dorothy Florence. This is the 3rd Night. People are looking to Dr. Fresa as the leader of this current situation and rendering yesterday's criticism meaningless. Biotechnology engineers, mechanical engineers, facility managers... we have everybody we need. There are also lowly kitchen maids like myself as well. I was here just to deliver some laundry. How did I get caught up in something like this?

Memory Record 4[]

I am Dorothy Florence. I picked up a Memory Record in the monitoring room today. It could be a black box recorded on the day of the experiment. I will play it!

Of course, I didn't even forget about the tiny parcels~!
zizip— Ah... static noise first... Ah. There it is. I was hoping to find the luxury to find and listen to these. Good luck... Your companion forever, Lasse Atnad.
zizip— Ah... static noise first... Ah, there it is. Good luck...
(female voice) Ha... I regret never having dated.
(another female voice) Ah... I should be seeing this while having chicken and beer... zizizip—

Huh? Is this all? But this voice. Ahhhhhhh, Artemia, who checked her laundry! Hum... I see. That day, this is what happened... click

Memory Record 5[]

This is Dorothy Florence. The plants cultivated by the biologists have sprouted shoots one day. Should I be happy? It is something to be happy about, but there is still no contact with the outside world. A week has passed and the only joy of the people in the panic room... is watching the germination of the plants.

Memory Record 6[]

This is Dorothy Florence. We had a small party today. We had the first harvest of plants being cultivated! According to the biotechnology managers, harvest is possible at least once every 2 weeks due to growth acceleration technology. I can taste fresh grapes again today.

Memory Record 7[]

This is Dorothy Florence. They are moving the living necessities inside after the incident yesterday. It seems a part of the trusty panic room has been contaminated by something. We are moving to the cleanest areas.

Memory Record 8[]

This is Dorothy Florence. A month and a week has passed. There is bad news today. The people who went outside the multiplex protective wall to measure the atmosphere have not come back. Maybe... they were swallowed up by the energy storm. I hope they find freedom again.

Memory Record 9[]

This is Dorothy Florence. Day 50 of the explosion. After a long discussion, the research staff of Dr. Fresa seem to have decided to go through part of the partition where there is no energy storm. They are leaving by digging an underground tunnel... I thought we were trapped by the protective wall?

Memory Record 10[]

whirr— zizip— zizip— Hey! What are you doing? Hey, are you listening?
I'm listening, Zerter... Ah! You. Your voice got in this!
What? You were recording? For what?
For... zizizip— Installing. Ah... It's going to— zizizip
Ha ha ha ha ha, that's what you are thinking? No one is like you, Atnad. Aren't you— zizip
... Atnad?
zizizip— zizip... It's going to... criing— bzz—

Memory Record 11[]

Ah, test, test... oh, it works? Hello, I am software engineer Sukurita. Today I am here to inform you of the points to note on Sukuta language used in the Sukuta engine. Sukuta language can use both global and local variables... The global variable is like the devil, and if you fall for the sweet allurement of the global variable, you will suffer a palpitating heart and cold sweat-inducing epilepsy over 1 byte of space or special syntax. Next time, I will explain the alternative to Sukuta language, mmhmm, mmhmm. Sukuta language invented by I, Sukurita. Hee hee hee hee.

Memory Record 12[]

Today is the last experiment and 4885th project of Verus City. Everybody wished to see the experiment succeed and went to the laboratories to observe. Except for me who is on shift in the research facilities. Ha ha ha ha ha. Now I think Tatio is also not a member of the main project and so is here with me in the research facilities. It is lonely work... Only if something good happened... Didn't something just flash? Hey! booom zizizizip

Memory Record 13[]

bang Urk... Sob, sob... Why! Why did it happen like this!!! Sob, sob... baang zizip Ah—doctor—before zizip he zizip look zizip for zizip here. click Hmm, the doctor looks very tired as well. Ah! This was on? I'm going to get in trouble for leaving it on for too long... Umph! Hm! This is Vanilla Luide. I am tired a lot these days for some reason. I guess looking at the situation, it's not a shock to see everybody's state. Hoo... bzz

Memory Record 14[]

Hello! Ate! Do you have the time? Hello, Dorothy. Is this that thing from last time? Did I really have to continue? I did promise. No choice. Where was I? The kid with long, black braided hair and face full of freckles! Ah yes, that kid. He would follow me around annoyingly. A time when he was even more of a kid... Ha... I was relieved to think I was finally rid of him in Verus City. Until I ran into him in the laboratories. Ha ha, isn't he quite the kid? Always honest in his feelings, unchanging... But the kid never told me he liked me because of his stubbornness. Even though it was written on his face. Chasing me around like a stalker. Humph... Ha ha ha... But today, I am missing you, kid... Ho ho... But that day you probably, hmm... that day... Dorothy... Let's stop.

Memory Record 15[]

Hello, Tatio. Most of the people are dead. I do not feel guilt, even though I turned all those people into dust in order to survive. Above all, I worry about you being left alone. So I have decided to stop despairing. It is tomorrow, the day all of us leave this place with you here... Until we can see each other again, goodbye.

Memory Record 16[]

Hello, Tatio. Can you collect these and pick them up? boom zizizizip I am playing around for you left alone in the city. Sorry for dumping all our hope and despair on you. How long do you have to stay in this grave of a city in solitude?

Memory Record 17[]

I want to save the remains of the people with the only things I have. click This place has a lot of people. They are still alive. I hope to save as many stories of the people as I can. As I hope somebody will remember how we were instead. Okay... then... who should I interview first?
