Hvergelmir's Fountain at the roots of Yggdrasil.
Yggdrasil is the tree of life also known as the World Tree. It has a will of its own and possesses powers that far surpass that of the Aesir and the Vanir. Components of the tree (Yggdrasil Dust, Yggdrasil Seed, Yggdrasil Leaf, Yggdrasil Berry) have extreme life-giving and healing properties.
Thanatos' seal over Surt had weakened significantly over the years. Surt could've easily freed himself from the weakened seal if not for Yggdrasil's will, which kept the seal from breaking entirely. Seeing as he cannot break free as long as Yggdrasil's hold on the seal remained, Surt targeted one of Yggdrasil's guardians, Nidhoggr. He lulled the dragon into a state of confusion with whispers, which eventually succeeded in causing Nidhoggr to break her bond with Yggdrasil. With the bond broken, Yggdrasil became unstable and its hold on Thanatos' seal was broken. Surt then used almost all his power to break free of the seal and escape his long-time prison.[1][2] |
Points of Connection[]
Yggdrasil's gargantuan roots link each of the 9 worlds together.
- Garden of Yggdrasil - Located at the top of Yggdrasil.
- Bifrost - Formed from the Bifrost Tree, which is connected to Yggdrasil. It bridges Alfheim to Jotunheim
- Hvergelmir's Fountain - A set of roots that connect Midgard to Niflheim.
- Yggdrasil Roots - A set of roots that connect Jotunheim to the tree.